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Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024


Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024. Õppe kogumaht: 160 akadeemilist tundi neist auditoorse ja praktilise töö 120 akadeemilist tundi ja iseseisevtöö 40 akad.tund. Koolituse aeg: 18:00-21:15.

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Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024.

Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024. Õppe kogumaht: 160 akadeemilist tundi neist auditoorse ja praktilise töö 120 akadeemilist tundi ja iseseisevtöö 40 akad.tund. Koolituse aeg: 18:00-21:15.

Mis on kutsestandard?
Kutsestandard on dokument, mis kirjeldab kutsetegevust ning vastaval kutsel tegutsemiseks vajalikku kompetentsust ehk töö edukaks tegemiseks vajalike oskuste, teadmiste ja hoiakute kogumit.

Kursuse eesmärk.

Omandada inglise keele oskust A2 tasemel, mis võimaldaks suhelda igapäeva elus populaarsetel teemadel.

Õppiväljundid. Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024.

Oskab kirjutada lihtsamaid fraase ja lauseid, ühendades neid lihtsate side sõnadega nagu „ja”, „aga” ning „sest”

Mõistab selget ja aeglast seotud kõnet. Mõistab selgelt ja aeglaselt hääldatud fraase jm väljendeid, mis seos tuvad esma tähtsate eluvaldkondadega (nt algeline isiku- ja pere teave, sisseostud, kodukoht, töö)

Mõistab lühikesi lihtsaid tekste tuttavatel teemadel, kui teksti keele kasutus sarnaneb tema igapäevaelus või -töös sageli ettetulevaga. Mõistab lühikesi, lihtsaid tekste, mis sisaldavad sagedasti kasuta tavaid ja rah vus vahelise levikuga sõnu

Oskab lihtsal viisil kirjeldada ja tutvustada inimesi, elu- ja töötingimusi ning igapäevatoiminguid, sõnastada, mis meeldib, mis mitte jne; tekst moodustub lihtsate sidesõnadega seotud lihtfraasidest ja -lausetest



Kursuste teemad. Inglise keele A2-taseme kursus 11.11.2024.

1) Acquaintance: getting to know you. Speaking about yourself, giving personal information
2) Everyday life, daily routine, activities.
3) What’s in the news?
4) Eat, drink and be merry!
5) Looking forward. My plans for the future
6) The way I see it. Descriptions of people.
7) Human achievements, events, dates to remember.
8) Family and family relations.
9) Films and books. Time for a story .
10) Our interactive world. Technologies, telephone, internet.
11) Life as it is. Life’s what you make it!
12) Weather forecast. The Earth. The wonders of our universe


Tenses: present, past, future. Questions, question words. Present tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous. Have/have got. Past Simple and Past Continuous. Expressions of quantity. Countable and uncountable nouns. Articles Verbs patterns. Future forms: will, going to, Present Continuous Comparative and superlative adjectives. Degrees of comparison Present Perfect. Unfinished past with for and since. Modal verbs: have to, should, must Past Perfect. Joining sentences, conjunctions Passive voice, active voice
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous First and second conditionals


Adjectives and nouns, prepositions, verbs of similar meanings. Things I like doing.
My favorite free-time activity. Regular and irregular verbs. Adverbs. Adverbs of frequency
Food. Verb +noun expressions. Types of shops. Phrasal verbs and their meanings
Synonyms and antonyms. Word endings, word building. Nouns and verbs
Possession and obligation, giving advice. Expressing feelings and emotions. Opinions
Words that go together: noun + noun, verb + noun, adverb + adjective. Birth, marriage, death. Phrasal verbs Prepositions with nouns, adjectives and verbs


Everyday English. Social expressions. Dialogues. Making conversations, expressing interest, short answers. Saying when. Time expressions. Days of the week, dates
Requests, invitations, sharing experience. Expressing doubt and certainty. Expressing opinions. What’s on? Describing, asking for descriptions, comparing
Agreements, disagreements. Adding a comment. Things to wear, clothes, what things are made of Exclamations with so and such Saying phone numbers, talking on the telephone
Good news, bad news, congratulations Advice, warnings, threats. Thank you and goodbye!


Discussion, pair work, role play, explanation. Explanation, discussion, comparison, translation, filling in the blanks. Roleplay, dialogues, listening, explanation, brainstorm, mind map Illustration, explanation, discussion, conversation, worksheets Questions – answers, discussion, group work, individual work Discussion, explanation, filling in the blank, comparison, worksheets Discussion, explanation, brainstorm, word search, translation Explanation, roleplay, dialogues, discussion, worksheets Illustration, explanation, translation, work with dictionary, dialogues Pair work, roleplay, discussion, group work, explanation Discussion, explanation, pair work, filling in the blanks
Mind map, discussion, description, worksheets, roleplay

Iseseisev töö

Description of yourself (speaking and writing). Reading and translating the texts.
Description of an event. Recipe of my favorite disSpeaking about my future plans
Description of a person Presenting an achievement. Family tree. Writing a book/film review
A telephone conversation. Writing a post card My dreams and wishes

Аadress ja kontaktinfo

+372 53957408
BTEducation, Peterburi tee 50d, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia